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What is the airport taxes, fees and charges ?

Various Taxes, Fees and Charges perform differing functions, depending on the responsibilities expected of the enacting government.

Each Taxes, Fees and Charges is used to offset expenses incurred by various government agencies in performing a variety of services ranging from customs inspection, immigration inspection, health inspection, airport development and improvement charges, passenger facility charges, aviation base - stock gasoline charges. 

There are many types of Taxes, Fees and Charges collected at time of ticket issuance. Associated with the type of ticketed point in the itinerary and the place of sale and ticket issue, the Taxes, Fees and Charges may be classified as: Departure Taxes, Fees and Charges; Arrival Taxes, Fees and Charges. An aviation base - stock gasoline charge is fixed of Air Company. This kind of charge is depended from the price of kerosene fixed by base airport.

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